A Shopify app solution for e-commerce insights
View cart contents, customer activity, and top products for valuable and actionable insights!
Have you ever wondered what your customers are adding to their carts? As shop owners, we created Cart Insights for the crucial insights and data that we get when we see exactly what items every shop visitor is adding to their shopping carts.
Shopping cart additions are the first step in a shop's conversion funnel, and knowing what your shoppers are saving in their carts will give you a better understanding of customer behavior, shopping patterns, and product popularity.
Cart Insights app installation is simple and involves no technical setup or configuration. As soon as it is installed, it begins recording your shop's customer cart activity! App is server-side so there is no speed score hit to your shop. The optional CartLink feature automatically adds a lightweight Javascript snippet with a minimal impact to your site's speed score.
Cart Insights provides much more detail than the admin dashboard's top products lists, abandoned carts, and summaries -- it allows you to view each customer's cart activity. View timelines of customer cart activity that show what products and variants were added to a cart and what products were later removed from a cart. Cart Insights shows variant-specific images of each cart item, so you can see at a glance what sizes, colors and styles are most popular.
Customer details include referral data, landing page, discount code, email, phone number, shipping destination, checkout reached status, and conversion/order placed status. The further a customer gets through the checkout funnel, the more information is available to view.
Cart Insights also provides real-time Top Products and Top Product Variants summary reports so you can view the most popular products for different periods of time.
The optional and configurable emailed Cart Insights Daily Report provides an essential daily review of your shop's customer cart activity. This report arrives when you want it, and it's the perfect resource and daily summary for a busy e-commerce professional!
View Top Products and Top Product Variants summary reports
CSV Report cart data export for spreadsheet programs
View each customer's shopping cart contents
See cart item variant-specific images, quantity, and variant details
See added and removed cart items
Simple and intuitive visual UI for fast reporting
CartLink front-end integration records customer browser data, filters search bot activity, and links logged-in Customer Accounts with their carts
For carts that reach checkout, view details including referral site, landing page, discount code, shipping destination, and customer details
For repeat customer Orders, view the number of orders placed and total lifetime spend.
Links provide quick navigation to Order, Customer, and Product admin pages.
See which carts converted into orders
Receive optional daily emailed reports with 24 hour cart activity
CSV Data Export
The CSV Cart Report provides a CSV (comma separated value) spreadsheet file format report for download and export into any spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, similarly to an .xls format spreadsheet file.
Analytics and Marketing
The CSV Cart Report is an excellent analytics and marketing resource for high-volume Shopify shops. Data points include 30+ columns of data for each customer and each customer cart item. Data includes the full referral url as well as separate columns for utm_campaign, utm_medium, utm_source.

Top Cart Products
The Top Cart Products Report shows the most popular products and product variants in your shop based on the unique number of customer carts that have added each product. This amount of products shown can be configured, and the time window can be set from 1 Day to 1 Month.

CartLink is a feature for shops that would like to record cart IP Addresses and link logged-in customer accounts to their cart activity so that name, email, etc. is visible prior to the checkout stage. After this feature is enabled, cart IP Addresses will be recorded, and any logged-in Customer Account's customer id will be sent to the Cart Insights app so that it can display the logged-in account info for an active cart in the Cart Activity Report.
IP Geolocation and IP Proxy Detection
Once CartLink is activated, all customers carts including anonymous carts will have their IP Geolocation data provided within the app's web UI, Daily Email Report, and in the CSV Export Report. The IP Geolocation data includes City, Region/State, and Country.
Landing Page and Referrer
CartLink also provides the landing page url and referrer for all customers carts including anonymous carts, even those that have not reached the checkout stage.
Browser Device
CartLink indicates if the customer browser device is a Mobile Phone, Tablet, or Desktop. It also shows the name or type of device if available, such as iOS, MacOS, Android, or Windows.

Daily Email Report
The Cart Insights Daily Email Report is a configurable shop admin emailed daily report that provides a daily summary of shop cart activities. Top Cart Products shows the most popular products added to cart, Top Cart Variants shows the most popular product variants added to cart, and Cart Activity shows individual customer cart activity.

Variant Property Fields
The Cart Activity Report can be configured to show Variant Property fields. These are custom product options or product properties used by other Shopify apps for custom products, configurable products and services, personalization, engraving, price add-ons, etc. The ability to view these variant propoerties can be quite useful when providing customer support.

App Screenshots:
Mobile App Screenshots:
Shopify App Store
Cart Insights is listed on the Shopify App Store. To install the app, please visit our listing.
Privacy Policy
Cart Insights is dedicated to customer and user privacy and data protection. We only collect and use data that is needed to provide the App's functionality. We will not share, sell, or store any data collected by the App for any other purposes.